Saturday, July 24, 2010

Making pores smaller?

any good ideas?Making pores smaller?
water!Making pores smaller?
Nothing can make them permanently smaller. Sometimes, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, or laser treatments can significantly alter the look of pores, but upkeep is necessary.

Cleansing pores and using toner can definitely help. Pores appear large because oil trapped inside (by dead skin, thick makeup) oxidizes and turns black.

Edit: Oh, and this sounds odd, but I know some people use like elmer's glue and slather their face in it to pull stuff out of pores. I've tried it, and though it was highly irritating (had to use plenty of moisturizer afterwards), it really did pull everything out. It's probably not the best idea for skin (the face is pretty sensitive), but it works. Use masks (clay or whatever) and then wash and tone. Wash off all makeup before bed and don't wear any unless you need to.
would love to know the same thing!!

I like cold water but sometimes I'm allergic to it so it's not the best solution for me ...
I like to use a pore-refining cream and/or cold water.
i heard yogurt works pretty good. like yoplait makes it really smaall and it taste good too! lmao
Use a toner. I use Neutrogena's and it worked really good.
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