Saturday, July 24, 2010

Opened pores, need help!?

hi everyone!

I moved to london about 2 months ago and my skin has dramatically changed! I have a very thin skin, normal but my pores are opened! I am also a bit dehydrated and I would like to know if you know a product that will astringe the pores and leave my skin normal again. When I apply my foundation , in the morning it 's perfect! but then around 1pm or 2pm it seems to be absorbed by my skin and I can really see my pores! which I hate. if you have a miraculous product, please tell me!

thanks to you all!Opened pores, need help!?
Hiya...Please stop worrying, it's very simple. In the mornings, wash your face as normal, but make sure you splash with cold water afterwards because that closes opened pores straight away. Then 10-20 minutes before applying your daily make-up, circle Clinque Pore Minimizer around your nose, forehead and cheeks. This fills your open pores and smoothens out your face. Apply your make-up and wash off before bed. Take a thick night moisturiser (Bodyshop Night Cream) and rub around and into pores to keep them moist but closed. Always wash your face in the night times because during the night is when your pores and skin works the harder to reattain it's moisture and cleaniness. I hope I helped.Opened pores, need help!?
Im not sure of specific products that you can buy in the UK, but you can help rehydrate your skin by drinking more fluids through out the day and using a good facial toner in the morning to help keep your pores tight.
the best thing to do is splash your face with water as cold as you can stand it, this closes the pores before applying make up
distilled witch hazel
Clinique has a very good product, Pore Minimizer, I am not sure it will close the pores, but it will hide them!

If your skin is dehydrated, do not use an astringent product. Make sure you drink at least 2 litres of water a day and invest in a good moisturizer!

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