Monday, July 26, 2010



how is everyone doing.

ok well

i would like to know if anyone has an idea what can make the redness caused by pimples on your face go away.

ive heard that ';viscine';{{from red eyes}} helps the redness.

does anyone know any other product and how long does it take?


what helps your pores look smaller.

thank you for all your answers!


Anonymous PrincessSkin!pores!help!?
yes visine can work, it will constrict the blood cells in your skin the same way it does in your eyes, thus reducing the redness.

other than that i dont know what else can reduse redness. but washing your face with cold water will close the pores in your face, im thinking it may also aid in ridding the redness as wellSkin!pores!help!?
Well Anonymous Princess, you can use Neutrogena Acne Mark Fade %26amp; Peel.. or start using Pro-Activ (it works for me).

Home remedies= Oatmeal %26amp; Honey mxiture.
Toothpaste (gel) also reduces the redness.

There's a product (I'm thinking clinque?) that will completely hide your pores, onder, over, or without makeup. Might be a good investment for you.
It is true that your pores get smaller and bigger at times, But everything else is a myth. You cant control how big or small they get. I just read it in a cosmo girl magazine.

The redness is another thing though! You can get rid of that..

and anyways, whos going to care whether your pores look big or small that day? you can hardly notice them.
do you know what pores are? you can`t make pores any smaller than they already are.they are a necesity to your body i.e. they help your body to cool down also they are the outlet for you sweating ,so dont try to make them smaller otherwise you risk ill health
Visine might be a quick fix to reduce the redness around a small pimple, but once the effect of it wears off, if the infection remains in the pore, the redness will return.

You don't say if you are dealing with one pimple, or many, and if you have a small pimple or full blown acne. If you break out regularly, you may benefit from something like ProActive. It's a good system for clearing up your complexion and keeping clear. If you just need occasional spot treatments, something like Clearasil is probably more effective at getting rid of the pimple than treating just the redness with Visine.

Your pores will also look best (smaller) if you keep your hair clean and styled off your face. Oily scalp and hair touching the face will make breakouts more frequent.

Pores look smaller if they are not packed with makeup, oil, and other debris, like dead cells. If you tend to have larger pores on your forehead, nose and chin, that's normal. If your skin is oily, breaks out frequently, and the pores in your T-zone (forehead, nose, chin) tend to look darker/larger, ProActive also has a good mask that helps draw the crud out of those pores, if used regularly.

Don't agonize over it--you're probably looking more closely at your pores than other people do!

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